
"Лимерик. Попробуй себя в качестве поэта"

Автор: Жгулева Надежда Владимировна

Должность: учитель английского языка

Учебное заведение: МБОУ "СОШ №21"

Населённый пункт: г. Мурманск

Наименование материала: конспект урока английского языка

Тема: "Лимерик. Попробуй себя в качестве поэта"


Предлагаю разработку урока английского языка для 8 класса. В данном материале показаны приемы работы по развитию творческих способностей обучающихся на основе лимериков. Урок соответствует ФГОС ООО.

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Опубликовано 17.08.2015

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Конспект урока английского языка по теме
“Limerick. Try yourself as a poet”.
Жгулева Надежда Владимировна, учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории МБОУ СОШ №21 г. Мурманска.
познакомить учащихся с английским лимериком и научить сочинять собственные стихотворения.
1. формировать фонетические и лексические навыки; 2. развивать языковую догадку; 3. познакомить учащихся со структурой лимерика; 4. прививать интерес к культуре Англии; 5. воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу; 6. развивать у учащихся умение сравнивать; 7. развивать монологическую речь у учащихся.
 таблички с именами писателей и поэтов Великобритании и названиями их произведений  карточки с рифмующимися словами  карточка с лимериком для отработки ритма и интонации  картинки к лимерикам  «испорченный лимерик»  проектор Ход урока: Этапы урока Деятельность учителя Деятельность учеников 1. Организационный момент. 2. Мотивационная актуализация. Приветствует учеников, отвечает на встречный вопрос: Good morning, dear students! Nice to meet you! How are you? / I’m fine too, thank you! Would you like to be famous? Some years ago a group of my student wrote some interesting things and published them on the Internet. A lot of people read their compositions and wrote good words about the Приветствуют учителя, отвечают на вопрос, задают встречный вопрос: And how are you? Выслушивают учебную ситуацию и мотивируются на занятие.
3. Диагностика уровня знаний о британских писателях и поэтах. 4. Постановка цели урока. 5. Знакомство с children’s work. I offer you to continue this work and become famous. Do you agree? First, do an easy task and find out what we will speak about at our lesson.
Task 1.
Put the letters of the word in the correct order and guess the key word. RALITETUER (LITERATURE) Before we start, let’s see what British authors you know. Please, do another task:
Task 2.
Match the names of the British writers and poets with their works and arrange them into two groups – prose or poetry. (приложение 1) Whose name don’t you know? Do you know what a limerick is? The theme of our lesson today is “Limerick. Try yourself as a poet”. During the lesson you’ll learn about this wonderful person and try to compose your own limericks. Would you like to write a poem?
Task 3.
Before writing Выполняют задание (составляют из букв слово LITERATURE). Отвечают на вопрос, цель которого – выяснить, кого из британских авторов знают учащиеся. Ученики составляют пары (автор и его произведение) и помещают в одну из групп (проза или поэзия), строя при этом высказывание по образцу. Example: I know / In my opinion / I believe … wrote … . I think he was a famous / well-known writer / poet. Ученики отвечают на вопросы: We don’t know Edward Lear. Высказывают предположения о том, что такое лимерик. Выражают согласие научиться сочинять стихотворения.
биографией Э. Лира (аудирование с поиском необходимой информации) 6. Знакомство со структурой лимерика. (аудирование с полным пониманием) 7. Первичное знакомство с жанром лимерика. (аудирование с пониманием limericks I offer you to listen to a brief biography of Edward Lear and fill in the card. Be ready to speak about E. Lear using the information from the card. Let’s check up what you’ve learned about Edward Lear. Listen to the information and try to remember the rules of building limericks.
Task 4.
Now it’s time to learn what a limerick is. First of all, let’s read a limerick together and feel the rhythm and the pulse of the poem. (я читаю, затем ученики читают хором, соблюдая ритм и ударения лимерика). Please read the limerick alone, translate it. (прошу прочитать лимерик одного-двух учеников, перевести) Edward Lear drew pictures to his limericks. Modern authors also like to illustrate these kind of poems.
Task 5.
Listen to the poems and match them with the 1 ученик рассказывает подготовленное небольшое сообщение о поэте, остальные на слух заполняют карточку необходимой информацией. (приложение 2) Ученики строят небольшие высказывания об Э. Лире с опорой на таблицу. Ученик рассказывает о правилах построения лимерика, демонстрируя схему на экране. Остальные ученики слушают. Ученики выполняют задания учителя. (приложение 3)
основного содержания) 8. Совершенствовани е лексических навыков в ходе выполнения ряда упражнений. 9. Исполнение песни (релаксация) 10.Сочинение собственных лимериков по аналогии. 11. Подведение итогов. Сочинение синквейна. pictures. Explain your choice. Which words are the prompts? (приложение 4)
Task 6.
Look at the blackboard. You see three limericks but their lines are mixed. Try to build these poems by arranging the lines in the correct order. But first, let’s remember the rules of building limericks. Which lines are rhymed? How many stressed syllables are there in the 1 st , 2 nd and 5 th lines? And what about the 3 rd and the 4 th lines? Let’s sing “The Limerick Song”.
Task 7.
Now it’s time to work out your own limericks. On your desks you have a list of some rhyming words. You may use them or your own ideas for your humorous poems. Mind the rule of building a limerick. To summarize our lesson I offer you to write a thinkwain.
Task 8.
Choose one noun connected with the theme of our lesson. Next think of two Трое детей читают лимерики, ученики выполняют задание на слух – соотносят лимерики с картинками, называют слова, которые подсказали им соответствующие рисунки. Ученики повторяют правила построения лимериков, выполняют упражнение на построение лимериков из разрозненных фраз, читают получившиеся стихи, переводят. (приложение 5) Ученики исполняют песню “The Limerick Song”. Ученики работают в группах по 4 человека. Знакомятся с набором рифмующихся слов и сочиняют собственные лимерики. Затем читают вслух для всех. (Приложение 6) Так же в группах ученики выполняют
adjectives. After that write three verbs about what we were doing during the lesson. Next step is to express your opinion about the theme of the lesson in several words. And , finally, give the synonym to the first noun. I’d like to know what new things you have learned today. Was it interesting to compose limericks? Your home task is to write a limerick without anybody’s help. Thank you for your work. You were active, artistic and creative. задание (сочиняют синквейн), затем зачитывают вслух. Высказывают свое мнение об уроке: что узнали, чему научились и было ли интересно сочинять шутки.


Приложение 1.
Match the authors and their books. William Shakespeare “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” John Tolkien “My heart’s in the Highlands” Edward Lear “Romeo and Juliet” Clyve Lewice “The Book of Nonsense” Robert Burns “The Hobbit”
Приложение 2.
Edward Lear was a famous and talented artist, illustrator, author and poet from England. Lear was born in Holloway in 1812, and he was the 21st child in his family. Edward Lear loved to draw, by the time he was 16 he was earning money for it. The public liked his paintings. Lear travelled in Italy for three years and had two books of illustrations published during that time. Lear painted all his life, up until his death in 1888. Edward Lear became well known for his limericks and literary nonsense. The poet was very intelligent and creative. Lear loved to make up words with different meanings and sounds, and rhyme them. Edward Lear made limericks popular all over Britain. Listen to the information and fill in the card. Name He was a Was born in / died in Was famous for Experiments with words Edward Lear
Приложение 3.
A limerick is not just a short poem. A limerick is a short funny poem. It has five lines. The form of a limerick is always the same. The first line rhymes with the second one. The third rhymes with the fourth one. The first and the second lines rhyme with the fifth line and they have three stressed syllables. Lines three and four are shorter than the other lines and they have two stressed syllables. A limerick usually begins with “There was a…”. Then a very funny situation happening to the person is described.
Listen to the limerick and repeat after me. There wAs an old lAdy who sAid When she fOund a thIef under her bEd, “Get Up from the flOor: You are tOo near the dOor, You mAy catch a cOld in your hEad.”
Приложение 4.
(стихи читают только 3 ученика, остальные выполняют задание на слух) There was a Young Lady whose nose Was so long that it reached to her toes; So she hired an Old Lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose. There once was a man from Harari, Who bought a brand new Ferrari. Now the buck and the gnu And the elephant too Hide away when he goes on safari. There was an old woman from Fife, Who had never been kissed in her life. Along came a cat, So she said, ‘I’ll kiss that! But the cat answered, ‘Not on your life!’
Приложение 5.
Put the lines in the correct order: At breakfast he said: Who spoke with a terrible stutter. There was a man of Calcutta And b-b-b-b-b-b-butter!” “Give me b-b-b-bread “I save gallons of ink There was a smart miser who tries
He said with a wink By simply not dotting my i’s” Every method to economize. As it lifted its leg Just think how the people will talk’. Who was taking his dog for a walk. He cried, ’No, I beg. There was a dog-lover from Cork
Приложение 6.
Peru, kangaroo, true, Spain, train, rain, Jeff, deaf, hard, exult, result Came, lane, butterfly, fly, a word, misheard, busy, easy
Лимерики, придуманные детьми.
There lived a young girl in Peru, And she wanted to see kangaroo. To Australia she came, And she met in a lane A big grey kangaroo. That is true! There lived an old lady in Spain, Once she came to the country by train. There she saw butterfly. How nice it could fly! And she watched it until started rain. There lived an old gentleman Jeff Who, unfortunately, was almost deaf. When you told him a word, He quite always misheard. So no one spoke to Jeff. At the lesson we worked very hard On the limericks to make you exult. We have been very busy, And decided, ‘It’s not easy!’ But we’ve done! And you see the result!

The limerick song
1. Hello! How are you? I’m Nick. Here to teach you a fun little trick. To have a good time When writing a rhyme Try writing your own limerick. 2. There are limericks of all different kinds. So how do you write one that shines? You’ll see that it’s cool If you follow the rule: A limerick is made of five lines. 3. So listen close to this song. Lines one, two and five are all long. And in poem of this sort Make lines three and four short, And I promise you’ll never go wrong. 4. You need to be sure and contrive To rhyme lines one, two and five. Then do it once more With lines three and four, And your limerick surely will thrive. 5. So let these pointers take hold, And if you’ll write as you were told, At the rainbow’s end You’ll find there my friend, Your own limerick pot o’ gold! (Эту песню можно найти в интернете)
